After flying from Stockholm-Arlanda Airport early on Thursday morning via Munich we finally landed in San Fransisco International airport late at night, Pacific time. There, we had to queue for more than an hour to get through passport control before our youngest kids started screaming. This led to an officer letting us cut the queue and we were allowed to go through.
From the airport we got a taxi to the AirBnB we had rented in advance. Although we were all tired it took a while to get settles in and get everyone to fall asleep. Even worse, the kids were jetlagged so they woke up around 1.30 am and didnĀ“t seem like they were going to fall asleep again. For me, having planned to attend my first day of work on Friday morning, it was a bit of a challenge. Luckily, I managed to get enough sleep to get through the day, but as the work day would start with a group meeting, I didn’t want to be late, so I got a (somewhat expensive) Lyft that took me to the Keck science building where I will be working for the next two years.

Obviously, I didn’t have a pass card, but I was lucky to have a member of staff let me in. Then followed a very busy day of meeting the group at the group meeting, meeting with administrator, getting a Stanford ID card, and looking at possible new housing. As I have my whole family with me, housing is one of the top priorities, but as there are so many things to take care of, I would imagine that the first week will be all about administrative matters. Work will just have to wait until Life is settled!